accounting information, analysis, production management, fruit and vegetable canning industry, technological features, calculation, cost of production, cost elements, cost itemsAbstract
The article analyzes the current state of production development of enterprises in the fruit and vegetable canning industry by business entities and by region. Based on the conducted statistical researches it is established that in 2020 the number of operating business entities in the industry decreased, the volume of canned fruits and vegetables produced decreased in the context of most items. The factors of influence of organizational and technological features of fruit and vegetable canning production which need to be considered at the organization of the account of expenses of manufacture and calculation of prime cost of production are defined and specified. Guided by NP (S) BU 16 and Guidelines №373, the grouping of costs by costing items has been improved, which will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of cost control and analysis, improve the process of planning, accounting and calculating the production cost of canned fruits and vegetables. In particular, it is proposed to allocate such costing items as "Fuel", "Electricity", "Water", which are used for technological purposes, to control the formation of direct costs and analyze their share in the structure of production costs. The article "Raw materials" is proposed to be divided into articles "Raw materials" and "Purchasing materials", which will help not only to improve the planning and control of material costs, which account for a significant share (more than 70%) in the cost structure, but also to determine their impact to the level of production costs. The importance and peculiarities of the organization of return waste accounting are considered. The structural elements of accounting and analytical support of production management are identified, the tasks of financial and management accounting are defined as the main information tools for production cost management, the necessity of using the subsystem of social and ecological accounting is substantiated. environmental friendliness and food safety of food products.
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