public policy, terrorist financing, financial monitoring, efficiency, effectivenessAbstract
Assessing the effectiveness of the state policy on combating the financing of terrorism is the degree to which the goals of state policy fixed in the legal form are achieved by legal means. It is proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of the state policy on countering terrorist financing in two directions: evaluation of the effectiveness of financial monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies. It is determined that the assessment of the effectiveness of financial monitoring can be determined by each type of its provision. Indicators for certain types of support are analyzed. In particular, it was noted that the assessment of the effectiveness of financial support of financial monitoring takes into account such indicators as the number of adopted legal documents in this area, the assessment of the effectiveness of organizational support - the number of trained specialists in financial monitoring and more. It is determined that these indicators do not allow to fully disclose the effectiveness of the implementation of the components of the financial monitoring system. It is proved that the best indicators for assessing the effectiveness of financial monitoring are indicators of institutional support. They are represented by the performance indicators of the State Financial Monitoring Service.
The assessment of the domestic financial monitoring system on the basis of certain criteria of institutional support testifies to its effectiveness, which has been confirmed at the international level. It has been established that it has ceased to be a purely formal phenomenon (as it was in the initial stages) and an effective tool for ensuring the state security of Ukraine. This allowed us to outline the changes that the State Financial Monitoring Service has undergone as positive.
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