public policy, human resources, healthcare, medical care payment mechanisms, advanced trainingAbstract
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the methodological principles of public policy development regarding human resources in the healthcare sector. It is noted that the majority of scientific works by domestic scientists are devoted to the study of public policy issues and management in the healthcare sector. All of them consider approaches to human resources policy and the competencies formation of healthcare managers.
It is proven that the result of the reform should be the creation of a national model of healthcare. It’s the activities and infrastructure will meet public needs and take into account the geographical, historical and cultural features of Ukraine. When developing and implementing reforms, it is necessary to take into account many regional features. Among them are the structure of morbidity, the material condition of medical and preventive institutions, the presence and characteristics of sports, medical and recreational facilities. We can’t forget the importance of population density, the state of the transport and logistics sector, climatic and natural conditions, and the ecological situation in the region.
It is noted that today in the healthcare system of Ukraine, data is not calculated. The justified need for managerial personnel is not determined as well. So there is no Methodology for calculating the needs for managerial personnel in the healthcare system. Accordingly, it is not possible to ensure an effective state order for the training of managerial personnel. A particularly important direction of the state personnel policy in the healthcare sector should be the training and maintenance of a high professional level of managerial personnel. We must consider the formation of an effective personnel reserve, as well as the use of the method of current personnel rotation at the central and regional levels.
To achieve the best results in reforming the national healthcare sector, the personnel policy should be prioritized not formally, but reasonably developed taking into account the real needs of the industry. The proper level of medical services depends on two criteria. The first one is the quality of medical personnel training at different stages. And the second one is the training of managers for the medical industry.
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