European Union, information policy, governance system, disinformation, cybersecurity, digital rights, integration, transparency, subsidiarity, human rightsAbstract
The relevance of researching the principles underlying the European Union's information policy is driven by the transformation of the global communication paradigm, which is significantly altering not only information flows themselves but also the mechanisms for their regulation at the level of supranational unions. In the face of contemporary challenges associated with the growing influence of disinformation, cyber threats, and digital transformations, the EU’s information policy has become a key instrument for ensuring both the security of the information space and the harmonization of regulatory practices among member states. A deep understanding of the foundations of such policy formation allows researchers to identify its fundamental patterns and strategic imperatives, presenting scientific interest for further developments in this field. The article aims to identify and systematize the foundational principles that govern the process of shaping the European Union’s information policy as an integrated governance system.
The methodological framework of the study is grounded in an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates elements of political analysis, legal research, and digital sociology tools. The analytical method is based on a constructivist approach, which enables the examination of the EU's information policy as a dynamic socio-constructive phenomenon formed through the interaction of various political, institutional, and technological factors. The use of critical discourse analysis further facilitates the identification of latent ideological frameworks influencing the formation of a unified information policy.
The research has identified and systematized the core principles of the EU’s information policy, which include transparency, accountability, subsidiarity, integration, and the safeguarding of human rights. Each of these principles is considered a conceptual component that ensures the functioning of the EU's information space as a unified governance system. The study also reveals that the effectiveness of the information policy largely depends on member states' capacity to adapt their national approaches to the overarching European regulatory framework.
The conclusions indicate that the European Union’s information policy is a complex, multi-level process requiring the active engagement of all participants in the European political system. Adherence to established principles not only fosters unity and stability within the information environment but also strengthens trust in EU institutions, which is particularly crucial in the context of current geopolitical threats. Further research could focus on analyzing prospects for improving the EU’s information policy in light of emerging challenges facing the European community.
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