human resource potential, territorial communities, territorial management, martial law, administrative activityAbstract
The article notes that the extremely difficult conditions in which our country currently finds itself have a negative impact on all spheres of society. The most valuable resource is the human one. The war prompted a significant part of the economically active population to leave abroad, many employees of enterprises were forced to leave their permanent place of work due to the occupation of territories, a large proportion of former qualified workers became defenders of the country. Under such conditions, an extremely important issue is the development of measures to support the activities of both large and small enterprises, because timely paid taxes are the key to the country's stability in war conditions. The article substantiates that in a general sense, human resource management is a complex process that combines economic, social, psychological, demographic and other tools and factors of reproduction, advanced training and influence on the labor behavior of employees in order to increase labor efficiency. This requires management to take a systematic approach to the use of human capital. At the same time, the effectiveness of the use of labor potential is manifested in three areas: practical activity, the employee's orientation to meeting his own needs and orientation to the future of the enterprise. Personnel management is at the center of organizational management.
The article notes that the literature considers four levels of personnel management (human capital): political - personnel policy of the state; strategic - labor resources management; tactical - actual personnel management of the industry and enterprise, operational - direct work with personnel. It is emphasized that personnel management methods are divided into: economic (forecast and planning of personnel work, formation of labor resources and sources of their provision); organizational and administrative (establishment of organizational ties, legal provisions and norms); socio-psychological (specific means of influencing the process of formation and development of the labor collective and individual employees); state and administrative (regulation of the movement of labor resources, labor market at the state and regional levels).
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