marketing, management, marketing management, concepts of marketing management, effectiveness of marketing managementAbstract
The article analyzes and summarizes the theoretical foundations of modern concepts of marketing management in enterprises, considering the latest management trends. Recent scientific studies on the implementation of marketing management systems in Ukrainian enterprises are reviewed. The necessity of understanding the sequence of the marketing management process in modern Ukrainian companies is identified. The article explores current interpretations of the term "marketing management" and separately analyzes the concepts of "marketing" and "management" for a deeper understanding of the essence of "marketing management." It confirms that the marketing management system is the foundation of a company's effective operations, impacting its competitiveness and determining directions for further development.
A detailed analysis of modern marketing management concepts is conducted, including "customer orientation," "digital marketing," "content marketing," "omnichannel marketing," "influencer marketing," and "green marketing." The article also identifies contemporary tools and principles for their application in marketing management as methods and means of management within the enterprise. The main elements of the enterprise's marketing management system are examined, and the interconnection between management, marketing, and marketing management functions in the enterprise's business activities is established. It is demonstrated that the application of marketing management today facilitates the realization of internal reserves for enterprise growth and development and simplifies the organizational structure. Furthermore, it confirms that the marketing management system is the foundation for efficient operation, impacting competitiveness, efficiency, and setting the strategic directions for development under current economic conditions.
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