The article explores relevant issues regarding the role of transnational corporations (TNCs) in the processes of globalization and the integration of the world economy. The author analyzes the activities of TNCs as key players on the global economic stage, focusing on their impact on global trade flows, economic dynamics, and the development of countries. TNCs produce goods and services on an international level, make significant investments, and contribute to the spread of advanced technologies, increasing competition and integrating global markets. The article also notes that globalization is an objective circumstance in the development of the modern economy, which is accompanied by the growing interdependence of countries. The role of TNCs in creating international production and providing access to skilled labor resources, as well as their influence on scientific and technological progress, is separately examined. It is determined that TNCs often become a driving force of globalization as they stimulate the development of international trade and investment, spread advanced technologies, and improve productivity across various markets. The main classifications of TNCs are analyzed according to industry, geographic, size, and market criteria, helping to better understand their structures and strategic orientations. In addition, the main directions of TNC activities, such as production, trade, and investment, are studied, making them the primary drivers of economic globalism. The article draws attention to the interaction of TNCs with local markets and their impact on local economies, particularly through investment projects, job creation, and infrastructure development. It is emphasized that TNCs are important factors in economic growth and improving resource efficiency in various regions of the world. Special attention is paid to how the activities of TNCs contribute to the dissemination of advanced management practices and technologies, which allows for increased labor productivity and the development of human capital in host countries. The article also considers the challenges related to the activities of TNCs, such as mergers and acquisitions, which can lead to market monopolization and unequal distribution of the benefits of globalization. The influence of TNCs on international relations and the regulation of economic activity is examined, requiring national governments to develop effective strategies to attract foreign investment and minimize potential risks. Overall, the article highlights the essence of TNCs as important participants in the process of economic globalization, emphasizing their ability to adapt to global challenges while also shaping new directions for the development of the world economy.
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