underground parking lots, management of motor transport infrastructure, management of urban underground space, sustainable urban development, management of highly urbanized areas, economic and environmental development of urban underground spaceAbstract
The paper studies the global experience concerning the benefits and potential negative consequences, environmental risks to human health, etc. of underground parking projects in highly urbanized areas. It is noted that, on the one hand, the construction of parking lots and other underground facilities of urban road transport infrastructure makes it possible to free up ground space from parking lots, prevent traffic congestion and preserve green spaces, squares and parks of the city, but, on the other hand, due to excessive emissions of pollutants from engine exhaust gases, imperfect ventilation systems, and the harmful effects of noise and vibration, the design and construction of underground parking lots, especially under high-rise apartment buildings or within urban areas, entails additional environmental risks, not only for the health of people living in these buildings or working in parking lots but also for the environment. In this regard, the authors propose a methodology for scientific substantiation of environmental friendliness, economic feasibility, and compliance of such projects with sustainable development goals based on T. L. Saaty’s analytic hierarchy process. The authors developed a hierarchical criteria system to implement this approach and created a unique program that was accomplished and visualized in the RStudio environment using the R programming language. With the help of a multi-criteria approach, in accordance with the analyzed criteria and priorities provided by experts, on the example of a model underground parking project located in the center of a large city, the environmental friendliness and economic feasibility of the project, as well as its compliance with the goals of sustainable development of road transport infrastructure in highly urbanized areas, have been scientifically proven.
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