


transport and logistics system, , environmental protection activities, financial and economic incentives, principles


The article proposes the definition and substantiation of economic mechanisms for the development of urban transport and logistics systems that are appropriate in Ukraine, acceptable and implemented for use within "smart" cities on the basis of sustainability, reliability and safety, based on certain signs and principles of understanding sustainable transport and logistics systems that should be built on: understanding the use of means of transport with a low level of impact on the environment, include both the industrial component of the system and public and private traffic, transport-oriented development, ecological means of transport, car sharing, as well as construction and/ or the protection of urban transport and logistics systems that are energy efficient, take into account measures to save space and promote a healthy lifestyle. The proposed approaches provide for obtaining an economic effect by creating a greater added value from each unit of used resource compared to traditional methods and linear business models. Such economic incentives should contribute to the market demand for energy-efficient vehicles in two ways: - through the gravity effect, by increasing the demand for such environmentally attractive vehicles from consumers, users and the population of the urban agglomeration; - due to the "push-out" effect, which increases the attractiveness of new vehicle developments for manufacturers. These methods can be most effective when combined. In the first case, when the demand for vehicles that will meet the established criteria of ecological efficiency increases, in the second case, in the case of creating a critical market mass with sufficient leverage to justify specific developments and/or equipment on the part of manufacturers, where the development and implementation of environmentally friendly and of energy-efficient vehicles is considered as one of the tools for reducing the impact of transport and logistics systems on the environment of "smart" cities that strive to increase innovation and obtain competitive advantages.


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