goods, market, economy, trade, enterprisesAbstract
This article examines the practical and theoretical aspects of commodity science, including the formulation and standards required for commodity quality. In market conditions, an important direction of corporate marketing activity is ensuring the effectiveness of product sales. This affects performance indicators such as product sales, profit, profitability, market share, etc. Successfully solving this problem depends in part on the approach to selling. The study examines the categorization and development trends of the non-food market in Ukraine, as well as various forms and types of trade. Trade is a branch of the economy, which sells goods through buying and selling. It combines production, distribution, exchange and consumption to transform manufactured goods into consumer goods. Trade is divided into domestic trade and foreign trade. Domestic trade is divided into the following types according to the form of ownership: state, communal, joint, private, family, individual, cooperative, etc. Being an important link in the economy, trade performs economic, social and educational functions. The results are presented regarding the peculiarities of the sale of non-food products, as well as the study of the needs and behavior of buyers in this market. Business entities are obliged to sell non-food products that are subject to mandatory certification, if the product acceptance document contains the registration number of the certificate of conformity or certificate of recognition of conformity or declaration of conformity, if this is provided for by the technical regulations. confirmation of product compliance. In addition, the article provides information on the fundamental theories and content of commodity science, in particular on the production, classification and evaluation of consumer properties and quality of goods for economic, cultural and household purposes. The integration of Ukraine's economy into the world economic system, as well as the principles of forming a trade assortment and ensuring quality control of goods, which are the first to be approached from a single point of view, were also studied.
Dykan V. L., Kagramanyan A. O., Kalycheva N. Y. Commodity science and commercial activity / Textbook. Kharkiv – 2018. 363 p.
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