


consultative and advisory bodies, social and humanitarian policy, democratization of mechanisms, social and humanitarian development, public administration, direct democracy, delegated democracy


The article examines the role of advisory bodies in the democratization of social and humanitarian policy mechanisms in Ukraine. The article provides classification and differences of types of democracy and ways of democratization. It is noted that the democratization of mechanisms in the social and humanitarian sphere should become the basis for the development of an effective social and humanitarian policy, close to the demands of the population, able to take into account and express the interests of the person, community, and society as fully as possible. The assumption was put forward and proven that the nature of direct democracy is revealed in its functions - directions or types of direct manifestation of the will of the people, which mediate its content and forms by subjects, objects, methods, means of direct people's rule and other features. It was concluded that the current stage of democratic transformations in Ukraine requires strengthening the mechanisms of democratization of social and humanitarian policy through direct participation of citizens in socio-political processes, since the inefficiency of the main institutions of the political system is largely due to the lack of public control over their activities in the inter-election period and the limitation of political participation of citizens only through electoral processes. It is substantiated that the task of democratization of social and humanitarian policy requires the use of a whole set of mechanisms, namely: I. General mechanisms of democratization of state administration (social and humanitarian sphere as a subsystem of state administration); II. Special mechanisms for the democratization of social and humanitarian policy; III. Mechanisms of democratization of social and humanitarian policy at the local level. It is emphasized that the democratization of mechanisms of social and humanitarian policy is impossible without democratization of the entire political system, the main ones of which are: mechanisms of direct democracy; mechanisms of delegated democracy; mechanisms of citizen participation democracy.


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