


terrorism, financing of terrorism, classification, international terrorism, new terrorism


Ensuring an effective fight against the financing of terrorism requires a clear outline of this process, which has its own characteristics in relation to specific types of terrorism. This question has been studied for decades. It is relevant due to the influence of many factors that change approaches to its organization and implementation.

The purpose of the article is to systematize approaches to types of terrorism, to justify the classification of terrorism in order to determine effective measures to combat it. In the research process, such methods as theoretical generalization, systematization, comparative analysis, and grouping were used. The informational basis of the research was the works of domestic and foreign scientists devoted to the indicated problems.

The article describes the problem of choosing measures and methods of combating the financing of terrorism depending on their type. It was established that there is no unity in solving this issue (both regarding the choice of the number of species and names for a specific classification feature), and it was also determined that most scientists consider the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 as a reference point for defining new types of terrorism and revealing new features for of this phenomenon.

In order to improve the fight against the financing of terrorism, the selection of effective means and tools, it is proposed to group it according to the following characteristics: the amount of financing: large-scale; low budget; means and methods of implementation: classic; technoterrorism; cyber terrorism; informative; scope of distribution: domestic; international; territorial stage of implementation: terrorism that is financed, prepared and carried out in one territory; terrorism, the stages of which are carried out in different territories. The given classification may require further scientific understanding and be supplemented due to the endless diversity and intertwining of different types of terrorism.


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