marketing, strategy, marketing strategy, management in marketing, marketing budgetAbstract
Understanding and using the concept of marketing strategy in business management is an integral part of effective entrepreneurial activity. In these conditions, the marketing strategy is more relevant than ever for enterprises whose goal today is not just to make a profit, but to maintain competitiveness. The article covers the theoretical aspects of developing a marketing strategy and its role in marketing management at an enterprise in modern business conditions. It has been proven that in the formation of an enterprise marketing activities’ management effective system the marketing service plays a leading role and occupies one of the main places in the organizational structure and, together with other functional divisions, create a single integrated process aimed at satisfying consumer requests and obtaining profit on this basis. The main development and implementation stages of an the enterprise effective and efficient marketing strategy are highlighted. It was found that the level of the marketing strategy effectiveness and flexibility largely depends on how quickly the company adapts to changes in the external environment and uses its internal potential and the capabilities of the chosen organizational structure. The content of the article reveals the trend of formation and implementation of the strategic component of marketing management at enterprises, which nowadays is increasingly expanding, but all its forms are not yet used to the full extent, and are often carried out chaotically, unsystematically or insufficiently qualified. The understanding of the role of marketing strategy for the development of entrepreneurial activity as a prerequisite for ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise, its adaptation to constant changes in the external environment and market conditions, the stability of business conditions and, thereby, increasing the level of competitiveness,
is defined.
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