digitalization, enterprise activity, digital technologies, management process, personnel, operational efficiency, development of logistics infrastructure, information technologies, outsourcing of logistics processes, protection of user information, use of blockchain technologies.Abstract
The article considers the relationship of innovative technologies and information tools with the modern management process. Currently, every organization needs to introduce digitalization at all stages of its activities, this is primarily due to the need rapid adaptation to constantly changing external factors. Optimization of business models for The account of this process makes it possible to increase the efficiency of all work, regardless of its type and scope. In modern conditions, information technology has a significant impact on the development of logistics infrastructure in various industries. Investment in modern technologies of logistics processes makes companies the most competitive, as the available modern technologies allow developing a specific delivery schedule with an accuracy close to 100%. Undoubtedly, one of the most important elements of organizing logistics processes is tracking, which can become either one of the activities or a separate information technology service. The service allows you to track all possible movements of a particular cargo online as simply and quickly as possible. The potential of blockchain technology for the development of logistics infrastructure was especially noted, as these technologies allow businesses to reduce costs through automation, simplification of payments, transparency at all stages of supply chains. It is concluded that it is necessary to pay attention to logistics based on data management. Thanks to data technology companies can predict the demand for products and thus plan and coordinate their actions in advance. The most competitive are logistics service providers who are re-profiling the logistics infrastructure from labor-intensive to knowledge-intensive, using operational information to create and further implement innovative products and services.
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