


management, innovative marketing, digital marketing, marketing technologies, customer life cycle.


The article is devoted to the issue of managing innovative marketing in a modern competitive market environment. As a result of research has been

established that innovations play a crucial role in ensuring economic growth. However, there is a problem of inefficient use of innovative marketing among domestic enterprises. The article considers the main trends in innovative marketing and clarifies the importance of managing the marketing activities of the enterprise. Among the main marketing trends were considered the following: digital, conversational and omnichannel marketing. New marketing technologies with elements of artificial intelligence and machine learning are considered, which include: predictive analytics, Programmatic platform, content management systems, SEO / SEM optimization tools, Big Data, ecommerce platforms, data collection and management tools, tag management, tracking unfinished sales. The most popular digital marketing skills in 2020 are identified: coding, development, video editing, copywriting, graphic design, software expertise, SEO / SEM experience, data analysis, marketing automation, software and project management.

Due to the reorientation of the business towards customer-centrism, a special place in the publication is given to the indicators of customer uniqueness and the definition of the customer life cycle. Knowledge of the calculation of the customer's vital value  is crucial for the marketing success of the business, allows to increase the consumer value of the company's services to consumers through a timely response to the interests and requirements of customers. The confidentiality of customer information is an important issue in the era of digital marketing, so the paper studies some technology and basic ways to identify and protect users' personal data.


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