Economics. Management. Innovations An electronic scientific professional publication in economic sciences, published by Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University; State Institution «Institute of Economics of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development of NAS of Ukraine». Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University en-US Economics. Management. Innovations 2410-3748 <p>Автори, які публікуються у цьому журналі, погоджуються з наступними умовами:</p><p>a) Автори залишають за собою право на авторство своєї роботи та передають журналу право першої публікації цієї роботи на умовах ліцензії <a href="" target="_new">Creative Commons Attribution License</a>, котра дозволяє іншим особам вільно розповсюджувати опубліковану роботу з обов'язковим посиланням на авторів оригінальної роботи та першу публікацію роботи у цьому журналі.</p><p>b) Автори мають право укладати самостійні додаткові угоди щодо неексклюзивного розповсюдження роботи у тому вигляді, в якому вона була опублікована цим журналом (наприклад, розміщувати роботу в електронному сховищі установи або публікувати у складі монографії), за умови збереження посилання на першу публікацію роботи у цьому журналі.</p><p>c) Політика журналу дозволяє і заохочує розміщення авторами в мережі Інтернет (наприклад, у сховищах установ або на особистих веб-сайтах) рукопису роботи, як до подання цього рукопису до редакції, так і під час його редакційного опрацювання, оскільки це сприяє виникненню продуктивної наукової дискусії та позитивно позначається на оперативності та динаміці цитування опублікованої роботи (див. <a href="" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</p> IMPACT OF THE WAR ON UKRAINE'S INVESTMENT CLIMATE: RISK ASSESSMENT AND PROSPECTS FOR FOREIGN INVESTORS <p><em>The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the investment climate in Ukraine. Based on current statistical data and expert assessments, the main risks for foreign investors caused by military actions on the country's territory are identified. Among them are: large-scale destruction of critical infrastructure, disruption of established logistics chains, a rapid decline in the purchasing power of the population, as well as a high level of uncertainty regarding the further course and duration of the armed conflict. At the same time, the author considers the potential prospects for restoring the investment attractiveness of Ukraine in the conditions of post-war reconstruction. Special emphasis is placed on forecasting the likely dynamics and sectoral structure of foreign investment in the Ukrainian economy starting from 2025, based on the assumption of the completion of the active phase of hostilities.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the identified competitive advantages of Ukraine, a set of measures is proposed to improve the national investment environment in the medium and long term. They include ensuring macroeconomic stability, carrying out structural reforms of the regulatory and judicial systems, strengthening the institutional protection of investors' rights, as well as attracting large-scale financial and technical assistance from international partners. At the same time, the author emphasizes the critical importance of forming a holistic strategic vision for the development of Ukraine as a competitive and investment-attractive state in the long-term horizon, which requires the implementation of a targeted policy to stimulate innovation, build modern infrastructure and integrate into global value chains.</em></p> <p><em>The article also analyzes the experience of other countries that have suffered significant economic losses due to military conflicts, and highlights the most effective strategies for restoring investment attractiveness in post-war reconstruction. In particular, successful examples of attracting foreign investment in the countries of the Balkan region and Southeast Asia, which managed to quickly overcome the consequences of armed confrontations and ensure sustainable economic growth, are considered. Based on this experience, the author proposes to adapt best practices to Ukrainian realities, taking into account the specifics of the national institutional environment and geopolitical context.</em></p> <p><em>Special attention is paid to the role of international financial institutions, in particular the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in supporting investment processes in Ukraine in the context of post-war recovery. The importance of aligning their financial and technical assistance programs with national development priorities and ensuring effective coordination of efforts of all stakeholders is emphasized.</em></p> <p><em>In summary, the author concludes that restoring the investment attractiveness of Ukraine in the conditions of post-war reconstruction will require a comprehensive approach that combines urgent measures to overcome the devastating consequences of the war with strategic initiatives aimed at ensuring the long-term competitiveness of the national economy. Only under such conditions will Ukraine be able to fully realize its investment potential and become an attractive destination for international capital in the post-war world.</em></p> Volodymyr Panchenko Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 1(34) 7 21 10.35433/ISSN2410-3748-2024-1(34)-1 THE STATE POLICY OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM’S UKRAINIZATION OF THE UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENTS DURING THE NATIONAL REVOLUTION (1917-1920) <p>The article provides a detailed analysis of the implementation of the state policy of education system’s Ukrainization in the course of the activities of Ukrainian governments (the Ukrainian Central Council, the Ukrainian State of the Hetmanate of Pavlo Skoropadskyi, the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic) and their influence on the development of the Ukrainian state formation in 1917-1920.</p> <p>The authors analyze a whole galaxy of congresses – (the First All-Ukrainian Teachers' Congress (April 1917), the First All-Ukrainian Peasants' Congress at the beginning of June 1917, the Second All-Ukrainian Teachers' Congress (August 1917)) that determined the position of educators regarding prospects and development of national education in the conditions of revolutionary restructuring of society. The desire of Ukrainian governments to create more opportunities to acquire education in their native language in the national educational institution is highlighted, which was the impetus for the opening of the Ukrainian National University in October 1917 as part of the historical-philological, physical-mathematical and of law faculties.</p> <p>Later similar educational institutions were opened in Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Odesa. Projects of national universities were developed in Kamianets-Podilskyi and Uman. Also, departments of the Ukrainian language were founded in Kharkiv and Odesa ("classical") universities and four departments of Ukrainian studies - language, literature, history and law at the University of St. Volodymyr. In November 1917 the Ukrainian Scientific and Pedagogical Academy was opened, which became the first national higher educational institution in Ukraine.</p> <p>The state-building policy of Ukrainization of the education system of the government of the Ukrainian Central Rada, which was continued by the government of the Ukrainian State of Hetman P. Skoropadsky, was outlined, which made it possible to create more than 150 Ukrainian gymnasiums. A wide network of general cultural institutions and institutions was founded.</p> <p>In the past, Russian universities in Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv, as well as Katerynoslav Mining, Kharkiv Technological and Veterinary and Kyiv Polytechnic Institutes were nationalized and declared Ukrainian. Also, new departments in Ukrainian philology, history, culture, and Western Russian law were opened in scientific institutions, in addition to the existing ones. Kyiv National University was also reformed, turning it into a state. A law was adopted on the establishment of a Ukrainian university in Kamianets-Podilskyi with the prospect of developing higher humanities in Podillia and Western Ukraine and establishing scientific ties with universities in Western Europe.</p> Vasyl Kupriychuk Svitlana Khmelivska Igor Ilyin Vladyslav Pinkevich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 1(34) 22 37 10.35433/ISSN2410-3748-2024-1(34)-2 FEATURES OF TERRITORY MANAGEMENT DURING MARITAL STATE IN UKRAINE <p><em>The article discusses the current problems of territory management in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which has been going on for two years. A description of the real state of territorial communities is offered, their problems caused by the war are outlined. A cluster model of the distribution of territorial communities depending on the situation during the war is presented. Possible ways of solving the main problems arising in the management of territories during martial law are determined. The article emphasizes that Russia's war against Ukraine, which has been going on for two years, has become the sharpest and most dangerous test of Ukrainian society since independence. Virtually all state and public institutions and organizations, government and executive institutions underwent significant changes in form and content. This especially applies to territorial communities, which, despite their short existence, have actually become the centers of the reconstruction of Ukrainian civil society on the lines of martial law. Territorial communities shouldered the main burden of volunteer assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and territorial defense, reception and accommodation of forced migrants, provision of humanitarian aid, educational, medical, legal, communal services, organization of business and employment, as well as mobilization work. The article notes that under the conditions of martial law, the forms and content of territory management activities, in particular municipal management bodies, have changed: military-civilian administrations have appeared in regions and former districts. During the two years of the war, the functions and boundaries of the administrative activities of local self-government bodies were agreed upon, taking into account the challenges that were caused by the full-scale aggression of Russia. The article notes that the burden of the war had the greatest impact on the stability and vitality of territorial communities. Despite the fact that today it is generally possible to positively evaluate the administrative-territorial reform that was carried out on the eve of the war, territorial communities are in unequal conditions of life, have different possibilities of functioning, and require management decisions that are adequate to the real situation. The article emphasizes that the primary task at the moment is to improve relations between the central government and local self-government bodies, taking into account the actual military, economic, demographic, social, political, and humanitarian situation. We are talking about a significant expansion of the powers of territorial communities in all spheres of social life. It is impossible to rule in wartime by peaceful methods. This is all the more important because the administrative and territorial reform depends on the results at the front.</em></p> Maryna Vuychenko Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 1(34) 38 49 10.35433/ISSN2410-3748-2024-1(34)-3 INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AS A FACTOR IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF SERVICE ORGANIZATION IN THE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS <p><em>This article reveals aspects of the impact of innovative technologies on improving the quality of service organization in the hotel and restaurant business. The issue of improving the quality of the organization of customer service at the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant complex was considered. The peculiarities of the application of innovative technologies at enterprises in modern conditions are analyzed.</em></p> <p><em>The development of information technologies and growing competition in the market of hotel services necessitate the active use of innovations in the operation of modern hotels. Nowadays, innovation is considered one of the important competitive advantages of the hospitality industry. At the same time, the spectrum of application of innovations in the activity of a hotel enterprise is quite multifaceted. The purpose of the study was to demonstrate the use of innovations in the activities of enterprises of the hotel industry. The hypothesis of the study was the assumption that the key trends in the development of innovations in the hotel industry are digitization, resource-saving technologies and environmental protection. The research methodology was based on system analysis. The article examines innovations in the hotel industry that are relevant to today's realities. Analysis of existing developments and experience of using innovations in modern hotel enterprises of Ukraine allowed the author to clarify the classification of types of innovations in the hotel industry. Based on the results of the research, the main problems that arise in the process of introducing innovations in the hotel industry have been verified, and methods of their elimination have been determined. Scope: the obtained results can be used in the practical activities of hotel enterprises in the modernization and improvement of the service process. The author proves that "green technologies" have been given a prominent place in the innovations of the hotel industry in recent years. At the same time, the idea of </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>environmental protection is implemented not only in the aspect of providing comfortable conditions for guests, but also at all stages of the life of a hotel enterprise: from engineering research, design, construction and operation to major repairs, reconstruction and complete liquidation.</em></p> Kateryna Kaschuck Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 1(34) 50 61 10.35433/ISSN2410-3748-2024-1(34)-4 ECONOMIC MECHANISMS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF URBAN TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS SYSTEMS <p><em>The article proposes the definition and substantiation of economic mechanisms for the development of urban transport and logistics systems that are appropriate in Ukraine, acceptable and implemented for use within "smart" cities on the basis of sustainability, reliability and safety, based on certain signs and principles of understanding sustainable transport and logistics systems that should be built on: understanding the use of means of transport with a low level of impact on the environment, include both the industrial component of the system and public and private traffic, transport-oriented development, ecological means of transport, car sharing, as well as construction and/ or the protection of urban transport and logistics systems that are energy efficient, take into account measures to save space and promote a healthy lifestyle. The proposed approaches provide for obtaining an economic effect by creating a greater added value from each unit of used resource compared to traditional methods and linear business models. Such economic incentives should contribute to the market demand for energy-efficient vehicles in two ways: - through the gravity effect, by increasing the demand for such environmentally attractive vehicles from consumers, users and the population of the urban agglomeration; - due to the "push-out" effect, which increases the attractiveness of new vehicle developments for manufacturers. These methods can be most effective when combined. In the first case, when the demand for vehicles that will meet the established criteria of ecological efficiency increases, in the second case, in the case of creating a critical market mass with sufficient leverage to justify specific developments and/or equipment on the part of manufacturers, where the development and implementation of environmentally friendly and of energy-efficient vehicles is considered as one of the tools for reducing the impact of transport and logistics systems on the environment of "smart" cities that strive to increase innovation and obtain competitive advantages.</em></p> Yurii Kostiuk Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 1(34) 62 81 10.35433/ISSN2410-3748-2024-1(34)-5 TAXATION SYSTEMS OF UKRAINE AND POLAND: COMMON AND DIFFERENT FEATURES <p>The article provides a comprehensive study of the common and distinctive features of the taxation system in Ukraine and Poland, focusing on indirect taxes, namely: value added tax (VAT), excise tax, and customs duties. Peculiarities of taxation of the main direct taxes: personal income tax (PIT) and corporate income tax (CIT) have been studied. The purpose of the study is to determine the common and distinctive features of the construction of the tax systems of Ukraine and Poland, the functioning of the main budget-forming taxes, their rates, the conditions for applying tax benefits, as well as the possibility of implementing foreign experience in order to improve the domestic taxation system. The research methodology included a comparative analysis of legislative acts, statistical data and practical aspects of the functioning of the tax systems of Ukraine and Poland. The results of the study showed that although both countries apply similar types of indirect taxes, there are significant differences in rates and approaches to their administration. It was found that the VAT rate in Poland is 23%, while in Ukraine it is 20%, and a progressive scale of personal income taxation is applied at rates from 17% to 32%, in Ukraine there is a fixed rate of 18%, with respect to the tax on profit of enterprises, in Poland the standard rate is 19%, while in Ukraine it is 18%.</p> <p>The authors of the article also found that the Polish tax system is more stable and predictable, which contributes to a better investment climate and economic growth. In Ukraine, tax legislation is characterized by frequent changes and complexity of administration, which creates additional challenges for business. The findings of the study emphasize the importance of reforming the tax system of Ukraine in order to increase its transparency, stability and efficiency. In particular, it is recommended to simplify tax administration procedures taking into account Poland experience and harmonize tax legislation to European standards.</p> Tetyana Medynska Natalia Noginova Oleksandra Banakh Oleg Bandrivskyi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 1(34) 82 98 10.35433/ISSN2410-3748-2024-1(34)-6 THE PROBLEMS OF YOUTH IN PROFESSIONAL SELF-FULFILLMENT AS A SYSTEMIC PROBLEM: ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL FACTORS <p><em>The material of the article is devoted to the possibilities of professional self-realization of young people in the problem of employment, and the analysis of its social factors.</em> <em>It was shown that the generation of the problems of ensuring employment of young people is determined not only by the low level of their competitiveness in the labor market, the lack of necessary practical experience, work experience in the profession, but also by the access of young people to relevant public resources (economic, legal, social), the level of their economic,</em> <em>social and cultural capital. This is also the inadequate assessment of the objective conditions and opportunities of employment in accordance with their own profession and preferences. The article considers a number of social factors of generating the problem of professional certainty and its implementation, in particular: family factors, subjective (overestimated self-esteem, professional inflexibility), educational, stratification, and other situational factors.</em> <em>The educational factor of the problem is considered separately, where there is a mismatch of the content of professional education with modern market challenges, its inconsistency with the requirements and needs of the present. The problematic factor of the employer's pragmatism and its non-constructive role in the possibility of professional realization of a young employee is separately assessed (extreme pragmatism, inflexibility in personnel matters, additional unprofessional burden on a young employee).</em> <em>A number of socio-professional factors of youth competitiveness in the employment market have been determined, which are generative both by external social conditions and micro social components.</em> <em>Involving non-formal education with its revealed potential was positioned as one of the means of partially solving this problem. It is shown that non-formal education is indeed an important factor for self-realization and integration of students in education.</em> <em>And in view of modern realities - the challenges of war, the demand for non-formal education as an additional resource for formal education is growing even more.</em></p> Evgeny Siry Oksana Sira Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 1(34) 99 115 10.35433/ISSN2410-3748-2024-1(34)-7 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN THE FACE OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY <p><em>The relevance of the scientific study of the essence and importance of strategic management in conditions of risk and uncertainty is due to the challenges of the times, characterized by crisis conditions in many areas of economic activity and life support, as well as the growth of competitive conditions for various segments of the business environment.</em></p> <p><em>The research methodology is based on the principles of science and systematicity. To analyze the essential features of strategic management and to study the significance of applying modern innovative approaches to analyze and monitor certain changes under conditions of risk and uncertainty, the author uses the methods of comparative analysis, analytical and synthetic, statistical, abstract and logical.</em></p> <p><em>Although, at first glance, the results of scientific research on a wide range of scientific issues related to strategic management have been published, the requirements of the times require further research not only in general, but also taking into account the specifics of various sectors of the economy, in particular in conditions of uncertainty, the crisis in the Ukrainian economy, etc. </em><em>To reveal the essence and significance of strategic management in the context of risk and uncertainty in the business environment, the author presents in more detail the characteristics of the main criteria and levers of influence on the formation of the basic foundations of strategic management.</em></p> <p><em>The advantages and disadvantages characterizing the peculiarities of the activities of enterprises in various sectors of the economy are determined, taking into account modern levers of influence. The author proves the special importance of taking into account external and internal factors that have an impact or may, under certain circumstances, affect the activities of enterprises both in conditions of stable development and taking into account conditions of risk and uncertainty. </em><em>The study provides grounds to summarize the existing experience of enterprises of various forms and types of business and to assert the importance of planning their activities not only for short and medium-term periods in a competitive environment, but also to think strategically, anticipating and overcoming crisis situations and conditions of uncertainty, directing their efforts towards sustainable (balanced) development.</em></p> Igor Verbovskyi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 1(34) 116 135 10.35433/ISSN2410-3748-2024-1(34)-8 POSTER AS A TOOL FOR DIGITALIZATION OF THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS ENTERPRISES <p><em>In the basis of the development of modern business, digital transformations have acquired primary importance. The stability of the business, and in general its ability to function, is determined by the level of digitalization. The integration of basic business development tools is considered through the prism of automation, robotics and digitization. In the field of hotel and restaurant business, digital technologies have become the most effective tool for implementing business tasks and solving problems of the control system, constant monitoring and management.</em></p> <p><em>The main trajectory of the automation of hospitality enterprises through the prism of the introduction of cloud technologies into business has become the use of software products. Cloud automation systems, in particular the Poster program, serve as a modern tool for accounting, control and business management. The Poster program (system) was the first cloud-based automation system developed in Ukraine to serve hotel and restaurant businesses. This software product has become a successful modern initiative, which is used with pleasure by twenty thousand hospitality establishments. When the enterprise implements this cloud technology, the approach to the organization and conduct of business has completely changed, the management system has acquired a completely new dimension. Important functions of the module have become such as: cash register for waiters with integrated hall cards; the Kitchen Kit application from Poster with a screen in the kitchen/bar, or with a system of runners; automation of the restaurant delivery service to work with orders from aggregators or personal delivery service; Poster mobile cash register; Poster QR for automatic menu creation in Poster-POS, quick payment, the possibility of tipping the waiter, leaving guest reviews, etc.; the Poster Boss app with the ability to work on a smartphone and more. The convenience of working with the Poster software is manifested in its simplicity and easy accessibility for staff training, since even intuitively, in an hour of work with this cloud technology, you can already work freely. The ability to work with cash register modules for sales and a control panel for owners makes the Poster software product both unique due to its multifunctionality and system, and easy to use. The statistics module automatically summarizes revenue data when the check is closed at the cash register. In the process of selling a finished product or service, ingredients (inventories) are written off from the warehouse according to technological maps developed by the institution.&nbsp; The multifunctionality of the Poster program makes running a hotel and restaurant business more efficient, as convenient as possible in management and acts as a high-quality database for making effective management decisions. The complexity and systematicity of this cloud technology brings the innovative orientation of hospitality enterprises to a new level.</em></p> Valentyna Fostolovych Tetiana Botsian Svitlana Pavlova Ruslan Fostolovych Yurii Gurtovyi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 1(34) 136 152 10.35433/ISSN2410-3748-2024-1(34)-9 SWOT ANALYSIS: NAVIGATING SUSTAINABILITY AMID UNCERTAINTY <p><em>SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that identifies the internal strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise and external opportunities and threats, while also establishing links between them. It has been proven that a systematic analysis of these four elements allows for a comprehensive understanding of a company's current position, leveraging its strengths, addressing weaknesses, capitalizing on opportunities, and mitigating potential threats.</em> <em>A critical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the activities of FPS Flexibles Ukraine, the subject of this study, was conducted. The internal and external environments of the company were analyzed using the SWOT analysis model, focusing on the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and expected threats.</em> <em>Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, a matrix of measures was developed, outlining three strategic directions for each part of the matrix: leveraging strengths, eliminating weaknesses, capitalizing on opportunities, and mitigating threats. Additionally, an Action Plan was proposed, providing a clear overview of action steps, responsible parties, time frames, and resources required for each strategic objective. This plan facilitates effective implementation and monitoring.</em> <em>Utilizing the proposed strategic framework and action plan will support FPS Flexibles Ukraine LLC's commitment to driving sustainable growth and resilience in an ever-changing business landscape. It will enable the company to not only overcome current challenges but also position itself for long-term success and leadership in the industry. The outcome of this analysis will inform strategic decision-making, helping FPS Flexibles Ukraine LLC to overcome challenges and seize market opportunities while maintaining a strong focus on sustainability.</em></p> Valentyna Ivanenko Inna Klimova Vitaly Morozov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 1(34) 153 168 10.35433/ISSN2410-3748-2024-1(34)-10